Working with the chakras…

…became an integral part of Holistically Inspired after completing my Reiki and esoteric acupuncture training.


Working with the chakra system adds an entirely new layer to your acupuncture treatment. We begin to look at the subtle energies of the body and explore the astral field. With this energy work combined with reiki and acupuncture, there is a great deal of healing that takes place. Energy work is usually combined with acupuncture when needed, but it can also be a stand-alone treatment, utilizing the chakra system, reiki, and non-insertive acupuncture techniques. The Chakra system links nicely with developmental psychology and it can provide a lot of insight when used alongside acupuncture and coaching. Some of my favorite areas to support using the Chakra system and energy work are blocks that are stubborn or recurring i.e. areas of your life that you can't seem to make progress in or you feel stuck self-worth and self-esteem, mental-emotional support (see more here), pain, fears, traumas, microtraumas, areas that "you can't quite put your finger on."

For instance, one of my clients first began seeing me by saying she had something going on with her shoulder that she felt was stuck on a deeper than the physical level. The more we dug and tried the traditional techniques, the less progress we made. Once we dove into the chakra system and unfolded the trauma connected, her pain started to shift for the first time in years.



Client Testimonial

“I think it is important for people to know that acupuncture is not just for healing the physical problems we have with our bodies, but the mental and spiritual. Acupuncture provides a whole-body experience. My sessions with Holly are an integral part of my overall well-being. I cannot imagine not having her in my life."




Once I began implementing chakra energetic work in acupuncture, coaching, and yoga things changed for my clients in a BIG way.

Once I began implementing chakra energetic work in acupuncture, coaching, and yoga things changed for my clients in a BIG way. They felt better faster, results lasted longer, and most importantly their overall sense of wellbeing, confidence, and worthiness skyrocketed.

Chakra balancing is typically a part of acupuncture, yoga, and coaching sessions, but can also be left out if you’re not comfortable. 


Energy work and reiki are fantastic ways to get the benefit of holistic healing without the needles.

Working extensively with kids in a previous job, I’ve cultivated a sound and transformative approach to TCM without the needles. The techniques we use involve reiki, sound therapy, essential oils, crystals, tuning forks, non-insertive acupuncture needles, cupping, gua sha, and acupressure.

Depending on your individual needs, the treatment will consist of a specific approach of healing… without the needles!